We the people have been emailing and calling the wrong people with our concerns about the growing deficit, government spending, gigantic bills that are being passed without being read first, and the disregard by our government to adhere to the tenets of the Constitution. Our "representatives" no longer represent us - they represent special interest groups and themselves.
Those of us who pay attention and dig deeper than the crumbs thrown out to the public by the mainstream media know what's going on. Those other folks, who don't really knows what's happening, are going about their usual business because they don't dig deeper than the MSM's crumbs. What if the MSM stopped behaving like Pravda and started behaving like true investigative journalists? How do we get them to do this?
We need something powerful to supplement the T.E.A. Parties - we need to send a message where it will possibly be heard. We need to flood the MSM with our emails and phone calls. The recent internet event in South Korea, where literally thousands of emails caused servers to overload and shut down, has given me this idea.
What would happen if, in a concerted effort, the MSM (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC) all received, simultaneously, thousands of letters from viewers demanding a return to journalistic integrity and unbiased, objective investigative journalism? What would happen if those emails contained a promise to boycott these stations until the MSM started acting like news reporters rather than media puppets for the current administration? What would happen if those letters spelled out a plan to bombard the MSM's advertisers with similar letters and promises to boycott their products/services until/if the MSM starts behaving with integrity and professional ethics?
The letter might look something like this:
Dear News Director:
I am no longer going to watch your station, and I am encouraging everyone I know to stop watching your station. Furthermore, I am sending a similar letter to all of your advertisers, letting them know that I will no longer buy any products they advertise during your news programs.
You have abandoned any pretense of "journalistic integrity" and are no longer reporting events objectively, fairly, or with an unbiased slant. Your reports are typically skewed to the far left, leaving out vital information which would allow the viewer an opportunity to draw their own conclusions, rather than have the media tell them what they should be thinking.
You have spent far too much time investigating and reporting trivial, inconsequential details of some people's lives - who did not deserve such biased scrutiny - while you under-reported or completely omitted crucial information about other people whose past dubious acquaintances and activities should have been highlighted on the front page or at the top of the news hour.
You bury important details that need to be known by your viewers - details that could potentially have a profound impact on their lives, while at the same time you spend countless hours focusing on the death of a celebrity, whose demise has very little impact on most people's lives.
I am just one person and this might just be one little letter, but I am spreading the word and encouraging everyone I know to follow my lead. They, in turn, will encourage everyone they know to do the same.
Perhaps when YOU become the focus of intense scrutiny and investigation, you will recognise the folly of conducting yourselves as though you are the only source of information for the people of this country. There are many other options available, besides the big MSM, and it is my intention to get as many people as possible to turn you off and seek out those other options.
John Q. Public
A follow-up to the influx of emails to the big stations might be to conduct T.E.A. Party protests outside their affiliates. Again, this would need to be a concerted effort in order to have any impact at all. ABC has already shown their biased with the infommercial they ran from the White House. I suggest a Tea Party right in front of their affiliates.
If we can't get the attention of our representatives, maybe we can get the attention of their mouthpieces. Perhaps these events can coincide with one of Obama's many public addresses.
How New York Is Abusing Zoning to Destroy Single-Family Homes
Photo Credit:
*Image via Picryl.*
And if you think this leftist chicanery will stay within New York, think
1 day ago
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